First up we have socks

This is a pair of trekking men's size 12 socks in a 5x1 rib pattern. I started these, oh, last August. I think I only knit a round or two every few days. I'm knitting the heel flap on the second sock now. Likely hood of finishing? Strong.
Next we have a scarf:

This is Elsebeth Lavold Angora in a 2x2 rib. If manlier colors ever existed, I want to know about them. In a subtle army green, subdued brown and grey blue stripe, it will work with everything I own. I started this February and I've got about three feet done and four to go. Finishing? In the bag, yo.
Okay, moving along. There is a vest. Yes, I did say vest.

This is the back of the Bob Dobbs vest from Domiknitrix. I'm going the intarsia route because I really didn't want to spend the next seven years of my life doing duplicate stitch. Her instructions on the website for converting the pattern are really helpful. I just happened to find them after I figured it out with a calculator and finished the back. All that's left is the intarsia front and the facings. Odds of finishing this year? It could happen, right?
Last but not least, we have the stole.

What we have here is a lace stole knit in Euroflax sport weight. The pattern is Drooping Elm Leaf from Barbara Walker's Treasury 1. I really love this pattern and the yarn, but there are some downsides to this particular project, or at least my ability to finish this project. I started the stole as a wedding present for a friend who is getting married in about 4 days. I'm 30 hours into the pattern and about a third of the way done. Also, I was sure that 520 yards of yarn would be enough. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. Maybe it'll be done for a one year anniversary gift.
Finally, in other news we have the yarn I can't wait to use.

This is Unikat. It's distributed by skacel and I'm pretty sure it is the best thing that has ever happened to a sheep product. It's a felted single ply and I want to make love to it. Eh, maybe not, but it is super dope.
All in all I think I have a good assortment of stuff to keep me occupied until I cast on for the winter knitting. I'm thinking that having the entire world know what a lazy knitter I am will force me to finish them all a hell of a lot quicker. Otherwise I'm going to have to get a lot better at the art of distraction.
Look! Buddhist kittens!
wow, looks like you've got a lot of projects going. i love the yarn you're using on the socks there. :)
the lace shawl for which i think you need a little more wool looks lovely. or to be more precise- the lace stole. i am a sucker for stoles. and this looks beautiful. your photos are adorable. i shall check in on a regular basis.
Lovely knitting and lovely wool! Thanks for the great pics!
Love all your projects and furry friends - I have a few of my own!!Great photos!
OK, those are some dang cute (and devout) kitties. Nice yarn display, too! Knit on.
Is that a dish of catnip that the Buddha is presenting the kittens?
Just found your blog - great knitting and writing!
The stole is lovely and just wait till you start with the Unikat. I made a poncho a couple years ago with it and it was stunning. Frogged it this winter and made a shruggy thing. The yarn looked like new. You'll be hooked, I bet.
Holy Cow - you saved the day! A friend gave me a ball of that unikat stuff - in that colorway, too. It's GOR. JUSS. But the label was covered and I had no idea what yarn it was!
I love it's thick, doughy texture. But it doesn't rip well - beware.
I'm still trying to decide what pattern will best show it off, it's just so stunning! Can't wait to know what you do with yours!
"Is that a dish of catnip that the Buddha is presenting the kittens?"
Very close, it is cat grass. I was really hoping they would take more of a liking to it. Alas, they prefer my circular needle cables.
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