Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Black Stripe of Mystery

So I was working on my sock, hoping to make decent progress to show ya'll like any good blogger would, when I came across something unusual.
black ply?
You can see it in the stitches on the right needle. My multi-hued yarn has a black ply. Now this may not seem unusual except that this, my friends, is the first time black has shown up in the yarn. I've already knit one whole sock, as well as the leg heel and gussets of the second sock. Was it intentional? I don't know, but there be a good length of black yarn in the middle of my second sock.

This is what the stripe looks like so far. Keep in mind there's still a whole lot of black left.
knit 020

At least there is the unparalleled joy that reverse stockinette brings me.
Le sigh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've not done much knitting with trekking, so I've not had that problem. Is it really noticable compared to the other sock, and are you a stickler for having them identical?

You're knitting is beautiful, btw.