Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Research v. Knitting

Research is going well. I've read five books cover to cover in the last week and yet I still managed to knit. Well, knit slowly.


The right glove is finished and the left is on the way.

right glove

Probably Jane came through with a completely accurate appraisal of my mystery fiber. They are in fact a set of microfibre pinch braided dread extensions that once graced Andrew's lovely head.


They look a lot like Ozark Handspun and I think they'll make a pretty awesome hat knit on large needles.


They were done by Heather McClure at Black Cherry Hair Salon in Atlanta. She is amazing with the color, no?


Probably Jane said...

Aha! Glad I haven't wool-gathered my way into middle age yet.

I am, however, chastened to note that I owned Andrew's T-shirt the first time round...

Virtuous said...

The glove looks great! I can't believe you still managed to knit!

WOW! @ dreads!

I didn't realize you were in ATL!

Jackie said...

Very cool, and I too owned that T-shirt 1st time around.

MsFortuknit said...

Do both I always have!
PS Bitchin hair!