Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I finally have a minute to post after my first week of school, and sadly, the knitting is not very impressive. I've knit a few rounds on the sock and about 2 inches on the body of the sweater. I think I may need to get into gear because Fall is pretty much here in the windy city. I know those of you who live in the colder regions of this fine planet may scoff, but I'm from the South and when the weather drops below 60F, I start mentally cataloging my woolen goods and whether or not I have something for each of my extremities. I know that it's going to get a lot colder, I'm just saying.

But for now, the weather is awesome! To prove it, here is a picture of where I've been whiling away my former knitting time:


Pretty great, huh? Here's my little corner of it:


While it may not look very stimulating, I'm so freaking excited that I have a studio so I don't have to search for clean socks amidst a mountain of spot lights, electrical cords and surgical supplies (don't ask).

If you look in the corner of my table ( mere feet from my freaking sweet new computer) you will see a pair of socks that probably wants to be finished. In due time, I'm sure. Until then, there is work to be done.


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Hip Hip Hooray for you Mr. Table and Chair Man!! Enjoy the fall in Chicago you lucky devil...

Anonymous said...

I'm having an awfully hard time getting any blogging or knitting done--and I'm graduated! Sigh.

I'll be in Chicago for the MLA convention in Dec.--you'll have to give me the 411 on the good knitting haunts...

Anonymous said...

Is the kick-ass job actually at school? Cause I worked at school, my 2nd & 3rd years of college and it rocked. OK, I was there ALL the time since my job was 2nd shift and the pay was barely enough for my rent, but it still was pretty sweet being right there.

goblinbox said...

I also have socks that probably want to be finished. But then, don't we all? ;-)