Saturday, January 26, 2008

Make My Day

The lovely ladies at Team Knit have graciously appointed me a "You make my day award".


It makes my "two sizes too small" heart flutter to receive such a wonder. It's now my turn to share the love, and I'm feeling generous.

All of these lovely people really make my day. I check your blogs at least twice a day and you always make me smile:

Heather at The ADD Knitter
Kim at Yarn Abuse
Robbie at Knitxcore
Roger at Over Abundance
Franklin at The Panopticon
Stephen at Watch Stephen Knit

Thank you guys for making my day!


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

You are too kind! I must say that the "make my day" feeling of admiration is very, very mutual!!

And I agree with you about Kim @ Yarn Abuse--isn't she hilarious??

Stephen said...

thanks man! i don't have many readers yet on my blog so i'm really glad you enjoy it. I love checking out all you latest posts and projects too.

Anonymous said...

You make my day too! I love your writing and photography. Thank you so much :D